Microsoft’s AI Robot ‘Bing Chat’ Expands to External Browsers, Pioneering New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft is now introducing an exciting new experience by making its artificial intelligence robot “Bing Chat” available in non-Microsoft browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari, this step marks a significant milestone in the world of advanced developments in artificial intelligence and robotics, users of these browsers can now effectively engage with the “Bing Chat” robot and benefit from its intelligent services without being limited to exclusive Microsoft products.

Providing “Bing Chat” in External Browsers:

Previously, the “Bing Chat” robot, resembling ChatGPT, was exclusively accessible within Microsoft products, including the Bing mobile app and Edge browser, however, Microsoft aims to expand the availability of this robot to external browsers as well, this move allows a broader audience to leverage its smart services on their preferred browsers like Google Chrome and Safari, such a stride represents a significant challenge in the realm of modern artificial intelligence and robotics, enabling a distinguished experience for users beyond the Microsoft ecosystem. 

Ongoing Testing:

Kaitlin Roulston, Communications Director at Microsoft, stated that the company is currently conducting tests to enable “Bing Chat” in Chrome and Safari browsers for some users, it is expected that more users will gain access to this AI-powered robot once standard testing procedures are completed, this initiative is crucial in enhancing and refining artificial intelligence services, providing an effortless and user-friendly experience for those using Chrome and Safari browsers.

Experience “Bing Chat” in External Browsers:

To experience Microsoft’s “Bing Chat” robot, users can simply visit the official Bing website ( and click on the “Chat” button, nevertheless, it should be noted that this experience is still limited to a few users in Chrome and Safari browsers at present, the access is expected to be extended to more users after completing Microsoft’s standard testing procedures, allowing everyone to enjoy this AI-powered robot on their favorite browsers.

Imposed Limitations:

Some users have observed certain limitations imposed by Microsoft on “Bing Chat” in Chrome and Safari browsers, such as supporting only five messages in a single conversation, instead of the 30 messages allowed in Microsoft Edge, this restriction may be temporary during the testing and experimentation phase and might be adjusted in the final version of the robot when it becomes available for all browsers, the limited message support aims to ensure a stable and seamless user experience during initial tests, and these limitations might be subject to change based on user feedback before the robot’s full release.

Additional Planned Features:

In addition to the ongoing testing for enabling “Bing Chat” in external browsers, Microsoft’s team is also experimenting with adding a dark mode for the robot, this dark mode is expected to be available to a few users currently and intends to offer a comfortable user experience when using “Bing Chat” during nighttime or under low-light conditions, this test is part of Microsoft’s continuous efforts to improve user experience with the AI-powered robot, and the dark mode might be extended to more users in the future based on user trials and feedback.

The Introduction of Visual Search and Commercial Version:

Recently, Microsoft introduced the visual search feature in the “Bing Chat” robot, allowing users to search for information using images and associated pictures, this feature enables users to identify and explore words and information present in images, providing a more advanced and efficient search experience.

Moreover, Microsoft has launched a paid commercial version of the “Bing Chat” robot, specifically tailored for businesses and enterprises, this version is designed to cater to the needs of companies, offering more comprehensive and customized services, it is expected to empower businesses to leverage the capabilities of “Bing Chat” to enhance customer interactions and provide professional and accurate support and information.

With cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology and its reliance on the GPT-4 model from OpenAI, Microsoft’s “Bing Chat” robot presents improved and advanced capabilities, it enables an exciting and efficient experience for users when accessed through external browsers like Google Chrome and Safari.

Microsoft’s efforts in developing the “Bing Chat” robot rely on technological prowess and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence, these enhancements and developments are part of Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to deliver the best user experience and stay abreast of modern advancements in technology and artificial intelligence.


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