ChatGPT Expands Its Horizons: Now Creating Charts, Maps, and Videos

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the popular AI-powered chatbot known for its impressive text generation capabilities, has taken its prowess to new heights. The chatbot has recently unveiled a new feature called “code interpreter,” delighting users by enabling it to perform tasks beyond text generation. With code interpreter, ChatGPT can now analyze data, create charts and maps, solve math problems, edit files, and even support file uploads and downloads. This exciting enhancement was rolled out last week exclusively for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, who pay a monthly fee of $20 for access to premium features.

Understanding Code Interpreter

The introduction of code interpreter has significantly expanded ChatGPT’s capabilities. Previously, the chatbot operated based on a large language model (L.L.M.) that predicted the next word in a given sequence, offering responses based on its text-generation abilities. However, with code interpreter activated, ChatGPT can now write and execute computer code to find answers, enabling it to handle new and complex tasks that were previously beyond its scope. This shift has opened doors for ChatGPT to tackle intricate calculations, generate data-driven charts based on user-uploaded data, and execute various other functions through code execution.

Code Interpreter in Action

Data analysis has emerged as one of the most common uses of code interpreter. By prompting ChatGPT with questions like “tell me what is interesting about the data,” users can provide their financial, health, or location data for the chatbot to process and derive insightful conclusions. This has proven valuable for financial analysts who leverage the tool to analyze stock prices, prepare budgets, and gain deeper insights into their data.

Beyond data analysis, researchers have found creative applications for code interpreter, using it to craft visually captivating data representations. For example, one user employed code interpreter to create a three-dimensional chart illustrating the Billboard Hot 100 list and an animated map displaying all lighthouses in the United States. Moreover, some have harnessed the tool to convert file formats, such as transforming images into videos or converting PDF documents into images.

Cautions and Considerations

While code interpreter presents exciting opportunities, experts urge caution. Ethan Mollick, an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania who tested the feature, acknowledges that the code-driven approach can reduce inaccuracies, a common concern associated with large language models. However, Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor at Princeton University, warns against overreliance on code interpreter for data analysis. He reminds users that AI, including ChatGPT, still produces errors and misinformation, making critical thinking and careful analysis essential in data interpretation.

As ChatGPT continues to impress with its expanded capabilities, users are advised to leverage the tool responsibly and to exercise critical judgment when interpreting its outputs. Code interpreter undoubtedly marks a significant step forward in AI capabilities, but it also highlights the ongoing importance of human expertise and oversight in utilizing AI tools effectively.


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