Best Add-Ons to Improve ChatGPT Performance

Various add-ons are available for the ChatGPT robot that help facilitate task completion and provide accurate answers to questions.

Using these add-ons, users can obtain more accurate results and better responses, in this article, we will discuss the most prominent add-ons that help improve ChatGPT’s performance.


KAYAK is an add-on designed to help users find hotels that fit their budget and specific requirements while planning their travels. This add-on provides answers similar to human answers to questions related to hotels, and offers suitable suggestions for the user’s requirements. Additionally, it can ask questions related to activities that can be done in the city the user wishes to travel to.

2- Ask Your PDF

If you have a lot of PDF files containing different information, you can use the Ask Your PDF add-on to identify the most important information without having to read the entire file. This add-on reads the file and provides answers to questions related to the information in the file. To use this add-on, the document must be uploaded to the add-on’s website before starting to ask questions.

3- Profpt Perfect

The Profpt Perfect add-on helps users formulate claims better to obtain more accurate answers. After installing this add-on, the user can write the claim and add the word “Perfect,” and the add-on will rephrase it in a better way.

4- WolframAlpha

The WolframAlpha add-on helps users obtain accurate answers to mathematical problems and many other questions. However, this add-on does not help in obtaining accurate answers regarding medical topics.

5- There’s an AI for That

The There’s an AI for That add-on provides a list of artificial intelligence tools suitable for the task the user wants to accomplish. This add-on can be used to obtain accurate answers in various fields such as translation, machine learning, data analysis, and many other fields.

6- Grammarly

The Grammarly add-on is one of the latest add-ons available for the ChatGPT robot and helps improve the accuracy of grammar and spelling for written texts. This add-on uses artificial intelligence techniques to analyze texts and provide suitable suggestions for improving grammar and spelling.

In summary, many useful add-ons are available for the ChatGPT robot, which help improve the accuracy of answers and facilitate task completion. Users can choose the appropriate add-ons for their needs and use them to obtain better results.


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