In the world of One Piece, filled with powerful pirates, the Straw Hat crew has had to push past their known limits to achieve their goals and survive. Among them, Roronoa Zoro and Vinsmoke Sanji have had an ever-escalating rivalry, each believing themselves to be the stronger crewmate. With recent developments, it’s now easier than ever to determine the superior fighter.
The Case for Zoro’s Strength
Roronoa Zoro is a master swordsman with a unique “Three Sword Style” which incorporates three Meito blades. Trained by descendants of the Shimotsuki Clan and the “World’s Strongest Swordsman,” Dracule Mihawk, Zoro has achieved immense strength.
Mastering both Armament and Observation Haki, Zoro can cut through almost anything, even a Devil Fruit user like Kaido, the “World’s Strongest Creature.” His greatest ability is the Nine Sword Style, which increases his power threefold. This technique, combined with Conqueror’s Haki, allowed Zoro to leave a lasting scar on Kaido.
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Sanji’s Raw Speed and Power
Although Sanji is the Straw Hat crew’s cook, he is also one of their strongest members. He was raised by the retired pirate Red-Leg Zeff, who taught him the Black Leg Style, a martial art based exclusively around fighting with legs. Sanji has further developed this style, incorporating his special technique, Diable Jambe, which adds fire to his attacks and increases their power.
Sanji’s Haki is also formidable, with his Observation Haki even reaching Future Sight. After the “Wano” arc, Sanji’s Germa 66 enhancements have significantly increased his speed, strength, and durability. His new ability, Ifrit Jambe, makes him an even more powerful fighter.
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The Verdict: Zoro Wins
Although the fight would be close, ultimately, Zoro would emerge as the winner. While Sanji’s physical abilities surpass Zoro’s, Zoro’s swordsmanship and destructive potential with Enma give him the edge. Furthermore, Zoro’s Conqueror’s Haki is a game-changer in a fight. As of now, Zoro has shown the greatest chance of winning a duel between the two.