Fans of the long-running anime series “One Piece” have been treated to an enthralling spectacle week after week, and the latest episode 1069, proved to be no exception. With its talented team of animators, Toei Animation continues to deliver captivating content that leaves viewers eagerly anticipating each installment. This episode, in particular, showcased the breathtaking work of the exceptional animator, Vincent Chansard.
The episode’s title, “Rooftop Duel: Luffy vs. Kaido,” foreshadowed the central focus, but it thoughtfully granted ample screen time to other key characters as well.
Episode 1069 marked the conclusion of two significant battles. The first one was between the tenacious ninjas Raizo and Fukurokuju. Engaged in a fiery conflict for an extended period, they appeared to reach an impasse, leading the confrontation to test their mental resilience. Eventually, Fukurokuju faltered, and Raizo emerged victorious, signifying the end of Orochi’s Oniwabanshu. The victory came at great cost, with Raizo collapsing soon after. In the second battle, Guernica managed to overpower X-Drake, the World Government agent, who fell prey to Guernica’s Finger Pistol technique.
Meanwhile, on the rooftop, the protagonist Monkey D. Luffy unleashed his Snakeman form, employing it to land a barrage of powerful blows on the formidable Kaido. The Emperor struggled to decipher the pattern of Luffy’s unpredictable attacks, but he gained an advantage by tapping into his Future Sight ability, allowing him to deftly evade the onslaught. To counter, Luffy switched to his Bounce Man form, seeking a power boost in their relentless exchange. As both combatants realized the need to conclude the battle, they prepared their final moves. However, a surprise intervention by Guernica interrupted Luffy’s attack, granting Kaido the opening he needed to deliver a devastating strike. This move bore a striking resemblance to Kaido’s past victory over the distracted samurai, Oden.
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Luffy’s Defeat and Its Aftermath
“One Piece” Episode 1070, titled “Luffy is Defeated?! The Determination of Those Left Behind,” is scheduled to air on July 30th, 2023. The show will be on a week-long hiatus before returning with this highly anticipated installment. As Luffy appears to have met his match, Kaido sets his sights on Guernica, the cunning CP0 agent who thwarted him during the rooftop duel. Fully aware of Kaido’s ruthlessness, Guernica braces himself for the impending confrontation, which promises high-stakes drama.
Following Guernica’s likely defeat at the hands of Kaido, the Emperor will descend from the rooftop and unleash his fury upon the remaining members of the alliance. Fear and anxiety will undoubtedly grip the survivors, for they know that confronting Kaido means facing a seemingly invincible force. With their lives hanging in the balance, escaping from Onigashima alive becomes a daunting challenge, given Kaido’s vengeful stance after his castle was assaulted.
Luffy’s Resilience and What Lies Ahead
Luffy’s defeat leaves him seemingly broken and incapable of mounting a counteroffensive. However, history has shown that the tenacious young pirate has a knack for defying insurmountable odds. “One Piece” creator Eiichiro Oda has a reputation for weaving unexpected plot twists, hinting at the possibility of Luffy discovering a newfound power that propels him towards his ultimate goal.
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Where to Where
“One Piece” Episode 1070 will be available on Crunchyroll shortly after its premiere in Japan, complete with Japanese audio and English subtitles. As for the English dub, fans may have to exercise patience, as it will likely take some time before the dubbed version of this thrilling episode hits the screens.