The iconic Japanese manga series “Captain Tsubasa,” internationally renowned and beloved as “Captain Majid” in Arab countries, has drawn its final chapter. This announcement marks the end of an era that spanned over four decades, beginning in 1981. Created by Yoichi Takahashi, the series was first published in the weekly Japanese magazine Shonen Jump and quickly became a global phenomenon.
The story revolves around the young football prodigy, Tsubasa Ozora, who inspired a generation of football legends such as Zinedine Zidane, Kylian Mbappé, and Lionel Messi. Over the years, the series underwent numerous adaptations in both animation and video games and even inspired statues in Tokyo, the birthplace of Takahashi.
At 63, Takahashi, citing declining health and the evolving manga industry, made the difficult decision to conclude the series in early April. He expressed hope that fans would understand his decision, acknowledging their potential disappointment.
Yoichi Takahashi, mangaka of Captain Tsubasa, is officially retiring from drawing after 43 years of career.
Both 'Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun' and 'Captain Tsubasa: Memories' will end in upcoming Captain Tsubasa Magazine Issue #20, out in April 2024.
— Shonen Jump News (@WSJ_manga) January 3, 2024
Remarkably, the “Captain Tsubasa” anime series aired in over 100 countries, and the manga sold around 90 million copies worldwide, according to “Mangazinkan.” Takahashi’s passion for football, which began during the 1978 World Cup, led him to spread the sport’s popularity in Japan, where the domestic football league didn’t start until 1993.
Takahashi, also the president and owner of the football club “Nankatsu SC,” emphasized the importance of local club support in Europe, a concept he wished to instill in Japan. His creation of “Nankatsu SC” was a personal endeavor to establish a local club culture in his home country.
In summary, the conclusion of “Captain Tsubasa” not only ends a beloved manga series but also commemorates a cultural icon that significantly influenced the world of football and popular culture globally.