How to Make a Delicious Trifle in Easy Steps

A trifle is a classic British dessert that consists of layers of cake, fruit, custard, whipped cream, and sometimes jelly, It’s easy and customizable to make trifle at home and it’s perfect for any occasion, In this article, I’ll show you how to make a trifle in easy steps using ingredients that you can find in any supermarket.


The recipe

Making a trifle is easy and fun you just need to layer cake, fruit, custard, jelly, and whipped cream in a large glass bowl and garnish it with your favorite toppings, Below we explain these steps in detail and you have the freedom to choose and diversify the ingredients, You can customize your trifle with different flavors and ingredients as well as the order of the layers, Some start with jelly and some start with cake.


The first step to make trifle is to choose your cake and fruit, You can use any kind of cake such as sponge cake and then follow these steps :

  1. Cut the cake into bite-sized pieces and arrange them in a single layer on the bottom of a large glass bowl, If you want to add some extra flavor you can brush the cake with some jelly or fruit juice.
    How to make trifle
    Cut the cake and put it in glass bowl – source : new world

    How to make trifle
    Pour jelly or juice over the cake
  2. Next choose the fruit, You can use fresh or canned fruit such as strawberries, mango, peaches or pineapple.
  3. Chop the chosen fruits into small pieces and scatter them over the cake layer, You can also add some jam for more sweetness.

    How to make trifle
    Put fruit over the cake – source : new world
  4. The next step is to make or buy custard which is a thick and creamy sauce made from eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla, or use a ready-made custard from the store.
  5. Pour the custard over the fruit layer and making sure to cover it completely.

    How to make trifle
    Pour the custard over the fruit – source : new world
  6. Next layer is Jelly, use a packet of jelly mix from the store.
  7. Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package and let it cool slightly before pouring it over the custard layer.
  8. You can also put jelly first like that.

    How to make trifle
    Another arrangement for placing jelly – source : shading faled food channel
  9. Refrigerate the trifle until the jelly is set.
  10. The next layer is the cream, You can use heavy whipping cream or a non-dairy alternative such as coconut cream.
  11. Whip the cream with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form, You can also add some sugar and vanilla for more flavor.

    How to make trifle
    spoon the whipped cream – source :shadi faled food channel
  12. Then spoon the whipped cream over the jelly layer and spreading it evenly, You can also pipe the cream using a piping bag and a star nozzle for a more decorative effect.

    How to make trifle
    spoon the whipped cream over the jelly layer
  13. The final step is to garnish your trifle, You can use any kind of toppings such as fresh or dried fruit, nuts, chocolate shavings or sprinkles, Be creative and have fun!
    How to make trifle
    Some jelly over the top – source : shadi faled food channel

    How to make trifle
    trifle is ready to serve

Now your trifle is ready to serve and enjoy, You can make it ahead of time and keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to eat it, You can also store the leftovers in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

How to make trifle
trifle is ready to serve – source : new world



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