Russian Artist Georgy Kurasov Accuses Ghada Wali of Misusing His Paintings and Prefer the Legal Route to Seek Justice

Russian artist Georgy Kurasov has recently spoken out regarding his artwork that was allegedly stolen by Egyptian designer Ghada Wali.

Russian Artist Georgi Kurasev lawyer in Egypt

In an exclusive interview, Kurasov mentioned that he has not had any kind of contact with Wali and that he prefers to settle the matter in court in order to obtain justice.

The dispute began when Wali exhibited paintings that were allegedly created by Kurasov on social media. However, after Kurasov being informed about the situation, he publicly accused Wali of stealing his artwork and placing her own signature on them.

To the right: Russian Artist Georgy Kurasov Paintings. To the left Ghada Wali Paintings.
To the right: Russian Artist Georgy Kurasov Paintings. To the left Ghada Wali Paintings.

Kurasov criticized Wali’s lack of knowledge on the way to handle his paintings, emphasizing that she had altered the colors and changed the overall composition. “She did not appreciate the beauty of the original artwork and instead claimed it as her own,” Kurasov commented.

Georgy Kurasov Statement on His Facebook Profile
Georgy Kurasov Statement on His Facebook Profile

Due to the severity of the situation, several experts within the art industry have shared their opinions on whether Wali’s actions can be classified as robbery or simply plagiarism. Some have stated that the act of plagiarism is itself a form of theft, since Wali had intentionally deceived her followers with the claim that she had created the paintings herself.

Furthermore, Kurasov’s lawyer (photo) has announced that they have tried to reach a settlement outside of court, but Wali has rejected their proposals. According to the lawyer, Kurasov has decided to pursue legal action to reclaim his stolen artwork and receive proper compensation for the damages endured.

It remains to be seen how the case will conclude, but it is clear that Kurasov, along with other artists around the world, are taking steps to safeguard their intellectual property and prevent it from being misused or exploited without permission.


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